Other rewards include the “How to Restore and Make a Thatched Roof” workshop, a set of Slamáčik postcards, a weekend in the house after the reconstruction, or becoming a patron of thatched ...
Supplies of straw for thatched roofs are low due to three poor harvests, says a thatcher A thatcher with a three-year waiting list for his services said a shortage of straw had caused problems for ...
DECLAN: Hmm. Well, come to think of it Pip, it takes a lot to build a cottage like that. What makes this home so unusual is its thatched roof, made from dry straw and reeds that have been tightly ...
Pictures from the Adver archive show work to demolish the last thatched roof cottage in Old Town. On June 18, 1964, workmen began removing the straw and reeds from the top of a home in Little London, ...