As we enter and leave the world, the task of communication looms large. Simple sounds and gestures can take on great ...
Revered Black queer poet and activist Essex Hemphill’s literary works have finally returned to print in a newly released ...
IT’S World Book Day – a whole day dedicated to literature, the written word and the characters who bring the stories to life.
Schools have adopted a more flexible approach in response to the cost-of-living crisis and the growing pressure on parents to ...
Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.
Discover five powerful love quotes from The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman that reveal the secrets to deeper, more ...
The winners of the UK’s most successful children’s writing competition, 500 Words, have been unveiled on World Book Day ...
“Bye Bye I Love You” follows both of these journeys, searching for what these words—and our desperate need to hear them—reveal about their meaning, our mortality and the ephemerality of ...
Here's today's Connections answer and hints for groups. These clues will help you solve New York Times' popular puzzle game, ...
In 1997, for example, Vivian Gornick wrote that love was no longer the primary narrative conflict of contemporary literature. Her provocative argument—that cynicism, sadness, and cultural fatigue have ...
Annual event to encourage children to read for pleasure is sore spot for parents under 'growing pressure' to create character ...