Conferința de la Ialta și împărțirea puterii între „cei trei mari”. Cum a fost redesenată harta lumii pe un petec de hârtie ...
In negru, din cap pana in picioare. Acesta este modul in care Volodimir Zelenski a ajuns si a plecat de la Conferinta de ...
Asociația Prosumatorilor și Comunităților de Energie din România (APCE) a prezentat o propunere legislativă Ministerului Energiei prin care și locatarii de la bloc pot deveni prosumatori și își pot ...
Într-o ediție transmisă live de Gândul, prof. univ. dr. Dan Dungaciu, sociolog, geopolitician și analist, a discutat despre influențele externe asupra ...
I wondered, before realising how very ironic my reaction was. The LA fires, which are still burning, have now scorched and flattened a populated area more than 12 times the size of that destroyed ...
Whether it joins the conversation started by Kim’s former employer Jungsik and Atomix in New York City, Baroo here in LA, Jeong in Chicago, and Ssal in San Francisco, remains to be seen ...
Quentin Young, the nephew of former major leaguers Delmon and Dmitri Young, hits a powerful home run to help lift Oaks Christian to a 5-3 win over Cleveland. Southern California isn’t just home ...
The 27-member bloc is wary of what direction al-Sharaa might take. “It doesn’t look like there have been incontrovertible indications that everything has changed,” said one of the two ...
For Bloc Party this is the 20th anniversary of their seminal debut album ‘Silent Alarm’ and, to mark the occasion, will see them perform the tracklist in full alongside some greatest hits.
Președintele demisionar Klaus Iohannis a avut un mesaj scurt pentru Ilie Bolojan, care a preluat funcţia de preşedinte interimar până la alegerile prezidenţiale din luna mai. „Mult succes. Să aveți ...
Every quarter, Eater LA publishes a map of 38 standout restaurants that best represent Los Angeles’s expansive dining scene. In this endless metropolis, there are both new and decades-old street ...
"In my view, it would make perfect sense not only to station U.S. forces in Greenland, as is currently the case, but also to consider stationing EU soldiers there," Robert Brieger, chairman of the ...