Further updates will follow the Spring 3 path only. If you want to continue to use Spring 2 with future versions of the MQ jars, then overriding the version inherited from the mq-jms-spring-boot in ...
Nach Informationen der Stuttgarter Nachrichten hat die Stadt Mannheim den Vertrag mit Ulrike Lorenz, seit 2009 Direktorin der Städtischen Kunsthalle, um weitere fünf Jahre bis zum 31.
Hundert Jahre später widmet die Kunsthalle Mannheim dem Phänomen „Neue Sachlichkeit“ eine große Ausstellung, die sowohl die damalige Leistung würdigt, sie aber auch kritisch hinterfragt ...
One of Germany's great art museums (and one of its largest in terms of exhibition space), the Hamburger Kunsthalle boasts an extensive collection of paintings and sculptures – both old and new.
“How do you even go about making something like this?” I ask incredulously, looking at the room-spanning artwork. The artist smiles bemusedly and then says, “I start at the top, by the ...
In a striking collision of memory, loss, and time, Kunsthalle Praha will exhibit The Unsettled Soul, a major exhibition by internationally renowned Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota, opening Nov. 28.