Isn’t that the reason why we study the Bible? Within its pages, we learn how to be the best person the Lord created us to be.
In it we read about how Satan aggressively but unsuccessfully tempted Jesus in the desert. The first temptation took ...
"Our Father." Father Vanni's little volume, which is a concise commentary on the Lord's Prayer, provides some new ...
The Gospel reading presented to us for the First Sunday of Lent is rather familiar to all of us — Our Lord’s temptation in ...
The devil encourages Jesus to turn stones into bread. After such a long fast, the thought of bread is surely a strong ...
If we were having a casual conversation outside of church, perhaps at a Wendy’s, and I brought up “The Temptations,” you ...
A second type is the Manna - bread from heaven - which fed the Israelites during their Exodus (Ex 16:14-15). Jesus in John 6:31-33 compares Himself to this Manna. A third type is the paschal lamb.
If Jesus were actually visible in church, everyone would run to welcome him, but he remains hidden in the Sacred Host under the appearance of bread, because he is calling us to faith, that we many ...