Only one of the 13 titles nominated for the prestigious award for fiction translated into English is more than 300 pages long ...
Recent novels by many Indian fiction writers remain preoccupied with the mother-daughter bond, including Anita Desai’s ...
K award celebrates the best works of fiction from around the world that have been translated into English and published in ...
Works by Annika Norlin, Malgorzata Lebda, Torborg Nedreaas, Robert Seethaler, Cheon Seon-ran and Alba de Céspedes ...
Romanian author Mircea Cărtărescu is on the longlist for this year’s International Booker Prize, the influential award for ...
In an announcement, the Milford Historical Commission recognizes Charles Paul Collins for his work in producing “The ...
11 novels and two short story collections are in the running for one of the most prestigious prizes in literature.
I wanted to make my research accessible to a larger audience—particularly to share some groundbreaking findings on one of ...
"Even prior to that, I had a vague idea of this novel when I was 8 years old, a student of Grade-4 at Mission High School," ...
The majority of the books nominated for this year’s International Booker Prize, the prestigious award for fiction translated ...
Our columnist recommends books featuring centuries of L.G.B.T.Q. love stories that defy tragedy, laugh in the face of shame and lean into unabashed joy.