POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Pets are cherished members of the family, and it can be heartbreaking to see them unwell. While professional veterinary care ...
Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that result in skin irritation and inflammation. The most common form of ...
Many people across the world suffer from the extremely common hair problem, which could be aggravated by a vitamin deficiency - how to check ...
Most ringworm responds to antifungals you can buy at a pharmacy. This article lists ringworm treatments and includes options ...
Has your dog been licking and chewing at their paws a lot lately? Allergies might be to blame. Here's what you should know to ...
Prior to even beginning a diet trial, veterinarians must carefully assess the patient’s clinical history to determine whether ...
Spring's arrival in the UK isn't just about blooming flowers and longer days - it also brings hidden dangers for our furry ...
Jigsaw is a young adult cat who has been having a problem. He is literally tearing his hair out. Okay, technically cats have ...
It's essential that you know the First Thing to Do if You've Stepped on a Fire Ant Hill so you can avoid pain and potential ...
The weather has certainly been unpredictable lately, but as we gradually transition from winter to spring, lengthening days ...
Ahead of the annual Stocks and Shares ISA contribution deadline just weeks from now, our writer shares a trio of things for ...