As global warming accelerates, the increasing number of supraglacial lakes and the need to accurately measure their depths ...
IEA-PVPS has conceived a new test method and analysis of the impact of curvature in vehicle-integrated photovoltaics (VIPV) surfaces. Over the course of an 8-day summertime trial in south-eastern ...
In a painful irony, improving global air quality through regulation and decarbonising could actually raise average surface temperatures by counteracting a phenomenon called 'global ...
Featuring the world’s largest digital camera, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will capture these mysterious phenomena in more ...
Stand barefoot on your scale, keeping your weight distributed evenly between both feet. Wear little to no clothing when you ...
Over the next few years, climate researchers from Germany aim to achieve a breakthrough in the radiative properties of clouds by describing the corresponding processes not just one-dimensionally, as ...
NIR spectroscopy is transforming baking, offering real-time insights into moisture, fat and protein levels to ensure ...
D clouds to significantly improve climate models. New DFG research group on 3D radiation transport launched. Tilo Arnhold Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Le ...
January 29, 2025 Introducing "Study Break" January 29, 2025 • Welcome to How To Do Everything's "study break". This Friday at 12 PM CT, we will drop a Zoom link in this Google document. The ...
First, the measure of the incoming sun energy to the earth, solar irradiance, has remained flat or actually DECREASED as our temperatures have rapidly increased. This is especially evident since ...
There are a few reasons we know the sun is not responsible for our recent warming. First, the measure of the incoming sun energy to the earth, solar irradiance, has remained flat or actually DECREASED ...