Events that occurred this week in Christian history include John Wesley surviving a fire, the ordination of the first female ...
Some of the events, drawn from over 2,000 years of history, might be familiar, while others might be unknown to many. The ...
What is the account that we get from Acts about the early history of the Christian church? The Book of Acts records or reports that there was a special event that took place at Pentecost ...
Karen L. King is Professor of New Testament Studies and the History of Ancient Christianity at Harvard University in the Divinity School. She has published widely in the areas of Gnosticism ...
Events that occurred this week in Christian history include the founding of the Swiss Guard, the death of a prominent Anglican bishop, and a Newsboys member coming out as atheist ...
A scholar of medieval Christianity explores the history of Christians who spoke out, unafraid to risk official censure or even death.
Christians are called to follow Jesus and reject coercive forms of religious and political power, to live lives of love and ...