Movers and shakers behind five newish imprints are aiming to turn the tide on sales in the middle grade category.
"Middle grade ... as they age, keep them hooked on books.” Manga, manhwa, and more Another graphic-focused imprint, Ink Pop, aims to bring international flair to the kids’ graphic novel ...
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I love it, but I’m a time-rich, middle-class, arts-and-crafts psycho. We should ditch the costumes - and celebrate non-fiction too ...
Sadly, a survey by the National Literacy Trust in 2024 suggests it’s now kids who are giving up with books – it revealed only one in three children aged eight to 18 years ... lives alone in the middle ...
Some thoughts on that majority element of top-quintile US society that persistently refers to itself as "the middle class." My friend Peter Phillips has a ...
Independent bookstores are enjoying an unexpected resurgence in the post-pandemic years, earning dedicated followings despite ...
Bob Staake (known not just for his books but also for his illustrations in The New Yorker, The New York Times and The ...
She was living in Kampala, the biggest city in Uganda, when she heard from a friend that Emirates, the flagship airline of ...
My father-in-law begged for kids. It was the determining factor in why we had our son, and having a child changed things, but ...
Months later, after Lowen and Jeremy get together, Lowen discovers a hidden letter written by Verity. The letter claims that ...
At least two good friends of mine in their late 50s have actually left their marriages because of Miserable Man Syndrome. ‘I haven’t worked this hard, raised my children and put my own needs ...