Valerie and Nathan Hamaker, co-hosts of ‘Latter Day Struggles,’ have resigned their LDS church membership rather than attend ...
Do you know who Ken Calvert is? Tim Thompson didn’t. Thompson, the lead pastor of 412 Church Temecula Valley, once struggled to ask meaningful questions of Calvert, the Inland Empire’s longest-serving ...
Various showbiz personalities expressed their support for former host-actress Kris Aquino who praised her youngest ...
The "Lamb of God" is a popular concert composed by Rob Gardner and performed during the Easter Season to celebrate the final week of Christ's life. One group is performing the production in Spanish ...
When applied to the Bible it doesn’t take long to see that his “has God said?” (Gen. 3:1) thinking, now at work in the Church ...
To receive this healing and deliverance, the first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, becoming a child of God (John 1:12). In doing so, the Holy Spirit fills you with guidance and ...
Thinking of all the groups of women around the world meeting for the devotional and then bearing testimonies gave Sister ...
Jesus is “true God from true God,” “begotten not made,” and “of one substance with the Father.” These truths that lie at the ...
Pastor Dennis Sasu, the District Pastor of the Sunyani East Industrial District of the Church of Pentecost, has urged ...
Bombs and bullets invite more bombs and bullets, anger and fury invite more anger and fury, domination demands revolution.
To be, or not to be, that is the question.” William Shakespeare’s Hamlet articulates the struggles of life in Act 3, Scene 1.
Like Aaron and his sons, Jesus is appointed by God to office of priest. His once-for-all sacrifice finally and forever ...