Pranayama draws the mind’s attention to the breath. By focusing on the inhale and the exhale, or one singular point of focus, the mind has nowhere else to wander but the present moment.
When you’re ready, start with step 1. Sitting upright, slowly exhale through your mouth, releasing all the oxygen from your lungs. Focus on this intention and be conscious of what you’re doing.
If you're feeling sluggish or tired, try this breathing exercise to boost your energy and sharpen your mental focus. Get comfortable and relaxed, and just start to exhale through the nose.
Let's breathe from your abdomen all the way up to your chest. On the inhale and exhale from your chest to your abdomen. On your inhale, expand your abdomen, expand your chest and rib cage.
EXHALE was launched in the fall of 2024 and funded by the Boston and the Ralph Wilson foundations. The grant was applied for ...