Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud's youngest child, became a formidable force within psychoanalysis, focusing on child psychology. Initially a teacher, she switched to an earlier interest, psychoanalysis ...
Mai Instahíradónkban is összefoglaltuk, hogy mit osztottak meg magukról a külföldi és a hazai hírességek. Tóth Veránál az elmúlt években alakult ki inzulinrezisztencia, de csak nemrég kezdett el ...
Still, moms know that the show must go on, so Chrissy Teigen pulled together to bake a cake for her daughter Esti’s second birthday. She shared the unusual cake she made for her daughter in a ...
In 1895 Freud had, in Project for a Scientific Psychology, proposed a first principle for the functioning of the psyche, the “principle of neuronal inertia” (Freud, 1895a, p. 296). Freud defined this ...