Effective measures should be undertaken to ensure that women have an active role in the development process. Appropriate economic and social reforms should be carried out with a view to ...
Development close ... is widely recognised as a good measure of development since it takes into account more than one indicator and includes economic and social indicators. In 1980 the Brandt ...
What is needed is a paradigm shift in how we measure development ... This framework views global development as a dynamic structure in which interconnected economic, social, and ecological systems ...
taking into account the post-2015 development agenda and the follow-up processes to all major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, as appropriate.
The answer for economists is that it measures an important component of social progress—namely ... changed dramatically in the economies of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ...
Economic analysis can shine ... we constructed the Reported Social Unrest Index, based on press coverage of social unrest (Barrett and others 2020). This provides a consistent, monthly measure of ...