Beyond Anticancer Therapeutics: Polymer–Drug Conjugates for the Treatment ... Conjugation with a polymeric carrier seems a useful way of overcoming these limitations and improving their ...
The first includes polymeric carriers that use covalent chemistry for direct drug conjugation (e.g., linear polymers). The second group includes hydrophobic interactions between drugs and ...
"Our polymer cubosomes fully degrade into harmless lactic acid and phosphate derivatives," emphasizes Prof. Wurm. "This makes ...
We can easily change the polymer structure and the repeating units to allow the carrier to deliver hydrophobic drugs, hydrophilic drugs, or therapeutic nucleic acids. It is fascinating because one can ...
Mucus presents a formidable barrier to nanoparticle drug-delivery systems, but adding a coating of polymer molecules helps them sneak through the net. Mucus, the amorphous, sticky substance that ...
The absence of a polymer as drug carrier facilitates fast endothelialization and avoids inflammatory foreign body reactions.