Pup trainer Niki French warned that one type of dog may want to 'herd and nip at the heels of people in the home' ...
“Those dogs do not get a free kill or a free serious injury to someone. They are going to be euthanized,” Miller said. Miller ...
MADISON, Wis. -- Public Health Madison and Dane County is looking for a dog that bit a person Sunday evening. According to ...
4. Nail bed infection Very uncomfortable for the dog, also known as paronychia, sometimes bacteria or yeasts can infiltrate ...
Here are some common reasons why a dog might bite their nails: 1. Boredom If your pooch doesn't have enough to keep them ...
At that moment, it’s an instinctive reaction to reach out and rub that soft belly while slipping into baby talk: “Now, who’s ...
The state does not dispute an account of how a state bomb-sniffing dog bit a 3-year-old, and agrees to a settlement with his ...
POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Approach a dog from the front or side. Hold your hands low and speak softly. Don’t surprise a dog from behind, wave your ...
Each year across Ohio, dangerous dogs attack, maim and sometimes kill people. State law does little to hold owners ...
Michael Palmer was attacked by his friend's pit bull in December 2022 in Green. The dog had attacked two others. He is suing ...
Ticks cover the ears and back of this dog in Mexico, where the disease has become an urban epidemic in some areas.