Aubrey Lay — a Fulbright scholar — was supposed to get paid for three months of work by the U.S. government through his ...
In an informal poll by Newsday, the Mets' hitters collectively came up with answers to the question of which pitch(es) are ...
A Johnstown man wanted in Rhode Island on sex charges, has been charged by Johnstown police with threatening staff at ...
The nonprofit leaders say they received no notice of the funding cut or guidance of how their programming could be ...
Balart, an influential figure in Florida politics and a fervent defender of democracy in Cuba, died on March 3 at the age of ...
Surrounded by the same secrecy that accompanied their arrival, in recent weeks, the Turkish floating power plants have begun ...
Mayor Eric Adams of New York City has taken few concrete steps to launch a serious re-election campaign, even as he faces a ...
Teamsters Local 237, whose members provide school security and staff public housing, touted the former governor’s record as a ...
A clergyman wanted in Rhode Island for failing to register as a sex offender was found Tuesday hiding in an Upper Yoder Township residence, authorities said. Township police and U.S. Marshal’s Task ...
The National Council of Teachers of English awarded Eisenhower High School’s literary magazine with a REALM award.
Forced into exile as a boy, the Florida Republican became a voice for democracy in his native Cuba and a committed champion ...