Pruning is essential for attractive, healthy trees and shrubs and improves the quality of flowers, fruit and foliage. The ...
DNR highlights four groomed cross-country ski trail systems, three trails for snowshoeing in Northwoods state forest.
What’s a tulip tree? There are two plant species grown in Marin that are called tulip trees. Magnolia soulangeana, a ...
Now is the time for some winter pruning on ornamental shrubs and trees. From December to late March is the perfect time to ...
Sometimes by this time in February, the hellebores planted many years ago in a flower bed are showing buds, but that hasn’t ...
It may seem like warm summer days in the shade are a long way off, but when the temperatures are still freezing actually is ...
A dawn redwood planted in 1954 stands about 86 feet tall and 3.9 feet in diameter at Michigan State University's Beal ...
Glaciers, fjords, and mountains await in this stunning region of Norway, one of Rick Steves' favorite places to appreciate ...
Dawn redwood trees once were believed extinct. The towering trees have been quietly growing in Michigan for decades.
The newly agreed-upon conditions state that all apples exported from South Africa to Thailand must meet specific ...
All kinds of tasty fruit can be grown in containers in small spaces, from dwarf citrus to cherries, apples, pomegranates, ...
A friend of mine at breakfast told me that he felt English ivy was becoming the new kudzu. He has a good point. When you look ...