Dallas Park and Recreation Board gave a briefing on a proposed master plan for White Rock Lake during Wednesday's city council meeting.
The City Council unanimously approved a resolution requesting a master plan for the Route 66 area included in the historic Atrisco Land Grant during a Feb. 19 meeting.
SPOKANE, Wash - Spokane Public Schools and the City of Spokane Parks and Recreation Department want to transform the city's future through major projects at schools and parks.
You can complete an online survey at https://engagepros.mysocialpinpoint.com/sioux-falls-parks-master-plan or attend an open ...
Albuquerque City Council praised a master plan to redevelop historic Route 66 on Central Ave. and Atrisco Blvd. The ...
Sioux Falls Parks and Rec are asking for your input on it’s 2030 Park System Master Plan update. The plan guides the development of things like parks, trails ...
The plan does not denote funding for projects. Will parking be a part of the Campus Master Plan? The master plan includes a parking and transportation component with long-term recommendations and ...