New research has investigated the mechanism by which bivalency functions to poise genes for expression during cell differentiation, providing insight into a long-standing paradigm in the regulation of ...
Intestinal villi (singular: villus)are tiny, finger-like projections that line the interior (lumen) of the small intestine. The primary function of villi is to absorb nutrients from food and transfer ...
IN a letter published in NATURE of November 24, p. 759, Prof. MacBride stated that when Dr. Kammerer cut off only the oral siphon, the regenerated siphon was of the same length as its predecessor ...
ON several occasions during the summer of 1960, freshly collected fronds of Enteromorpha intestinalis Link failed to liberate any swarmers (gametes and zoospores) when placed in sea water and ...
Anyone who watched the hit on Calgary Flames center Connor Zary in Anaheim this week has been waiting for devastating news. On Friday, though, reports suggested things aren't as bad as they seemed.
This valuable study presents findings linking prophage carriage to lifestyle regulation in the marine bacterium Shewanella fidelis, with potential implications for niche occupation within a host ...