Jesus demonstrated throughout His earthly life the counter-intuitive principle that in His kingdom, the way up is always down ...
Chris Oyakhilome’s teachings on death attempt to explain scripturally what happens to the soul. He stresses that believers go ...
A man in Rochester, New York, was recently hit with 5 speeding tickets after the state's photo radar camera took pictures of him going over the speed limit 5 times. The man had been traveling 55 ...
Donald Trump, Elon Musk make America better; tax churches; Vero Beach road; Martin County High School pool; beached, derelict ...
More than 3,000 pages of documents reveal how years of betrayals led to a messy court battle that threatens the future of ...
The whole semantic field of 'tool' and 'instrument' is fraught with negative moral connotations. St. Ignatius’ writings , ...
Two divorces and a lifetime of impulsive behavior are both culprits in tamping down the fortune of the former Fox News host.
So much of who I thought I had been was no longer evident, relevant, or recognized. In one airplane flight, I went from being someone —someone’s child, friend, neighbor, a known member of a ...
I track down Doug at his home in Petawawa in eastern Ontario. All these years later, he can still recall, in detail, the ...
The Bible states: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad" (2 Corinthians 5:10) ...
“To see Christ as God and man is probably ... I remained convinced of the truth of my judgement and conclusions. Noting that my seat was last in the packed basement, I listened to each priest ...