The linen cloth many believe is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ draws thousands of pilgrims during rare public displays ...
King Charles III is scheduled to have an audience with Pope Francis during a state visit next month to the Vatican, ...
Francis' condition has recently improved despite some complications, with the pope saying he no longer feels in imminent ...
St. Patrick's Day's color transitioned from blue to green, reflecting Irish independence and identity changes.
Steen Heidemann’s collection will be installed as a semi-permanent exhibition in the Toledo Cathedral in Spain.
Jay McGuiness on Catholicism being ‘too judgmental’ as he does pilgrimage - Pilgrimage: The Road Through The Alps sees ...
Comedian Shayne Smith is responding to negative comments about his recent conversion to Christianity with love and prayer.
As Catholics choose sides, their ears are often attuned to those who reflect their views while shutting out the voices of ...
Irish heritage is still strong in America, but new generations bring new perspectives.
The parade-day mass each year is an hour of prayer, silence and reflection on the faith that grounds these celebrations.
Father Paul Chatsirey, parish priest of St Joseph's in Phnom Penh, outside a new cathedral which is expected to be ...
"Scratch and Win" is a new WGBH News podcast about how a bunch of Massachusetts state bureaucrats set out to beat the mob at ...