We have the answer for 1953 National Book Award-winning novel by 45-Across (2 wds.) crossword clue that will help you solve ...
Once the residence of the iconic writer, Ernest Hemingway, this charming abode now serves as a museum open to the public.
As this 1952 novel opens, Jimmy Monroe, convict number 57232, is spending his first night in a prison dormitory serving ...
In this nostalgic and fascinating book, Julie Satow, author of The Plaza, writes about the golden age of three now-vanished ...
The post–World War I literary renaissance reveals a truth about art that extends far beyond its time: Great works are not ...
In 1949, New York State passed the so-called Feinberg Law, which made membership in any group labeled subversive by the U.S.
Discover the untold story of Jessie Redmon Fauset, the 'midwife' of the Harlem Renaissance, in Victoria Christopher Murray's ...