Now, only after a few weeks, my nails are completely healed and grown and will not break! I wish I found this sooner; I ...
Before you completely throw in the towel on resolving that *one* body thing you've always dealt with...try one of these. View ...
Up to 90% of abdominal surgeries result in adhesions -- abnormal scarring that ties together organs and tissues. A gel has now been shown to prevented adhesions in mice and pigs.
If you never bothered with skincare before but are ready to start taking it seriously, here's what your peers are using.
Struggling with stubborn scars? Whether from acne, stretch marks, or surgery, read more to find the right Vitamin E oil for you.
Some industry groups are trialling the use of bio-fuel in oil boilers instead of petroleum-based kerosene. This usually comes in the form of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), a combination of ...
Instead, I prefer body cream’s lighter alternative, body oil, which absorbs quickly, locks in moisture, and leaves my otherwise scaly, dry skin glowing. If you haven’t used a body oil before ...
A true holy grail beauty product exceeds expectations, is widely available and, ideally, is affordable. That's exactly what you get with Bio-Oil's Skincare Oil, which has been given a thumbs up by ...
Pick up skincare and scar-healing products. In order to help your skin adjust post-surgery, you may want to get an emollient-infused moisturizer like Bio-Oil or Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotion. As long ...
Bio-Oil Skincare Oil has earned nearly 40,000 five-star ratings, with customers claiming it works wonders on the skin without being greasy. “When I discovered it was great for scars and ...
Pick up skincare and scar-healing products. In order to help your skin adjust post-surgery, you may want to get an emollient-infused moisturizer like Bio-Oil or Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotion.