These gold standard lifts are essential to a well-rounded routine. Here's how to choose which is your go-to move.
If needed, instead of rucking and/or running, try nonimpact options such as swimming with fins, biking or using an elliptical ...
For those who have limited gym time, supersets offer a time-efficient alternative to traditional resistance training sets ...
Every part of life has its lingo, and the gym is no exception. We’ve collected a list of the lifting-related words that most ...
Most runners will gravitate toward the back squat, according to Bui. This is because the front squat demands more upper-body ...
In this article, I take you over how you can structure a similar 50-squat challenge for maximum effectiveness and share tips and tricks to help you overcome challenges that you will face along the way ...
Strength training has many benefits like helping you age gracefully, get stronger and even aids in weight loss. But what if ...
If you're looking to build strength, what's the difference between using dumbbells vs. kettlebells vs. barbells? Experts ...
Not only did I avoid losing strength after a year of working out as a full-time traveller, but I actually got stronger” ...
Squats are often hailed as one of the most effective exercises for building strength, enhancing flexibility, and improving overall fitness. Squats are a versatile and effective exercise that can ...
According to data from Strength Level, the ‘average squat weight for a female ... When using only the weight of a barbell, start by performing squats in sets of 3 reps, as opposed to the 30kg ...