Turner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder found in some women and people assigned female at birth. It can cause short stature and a range of health issues including heart defects, learning ...
More likely to fall through the cracks as kids, adult females are seeking autism diagnoses after years of searching for ...
With so many initiatives to help autistic people adjust to a neurotypical world, I sometimes wonder what the world might look ...
Angela Kingdon had no friends, had been sacked from every job she had and was planning her own suicide, until she was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome ...
Melansir dari Web MD, Selasa (11/2/2025), main character syndrome adalah persepsi bahwa hidup Anda adalah sebuah cerita atau film yang menempatkan Anda sebagai tokoh utamanya. Istilah yang lahir di ...
Imposter syndrome is when you doubt your own skills and successes. You feel you're not as talented or worthy as others believe, and you're scared that one day, people will realize that.
Many parents breathe a sigh of relief when their teenager on the autism spectrum (Level 1 ASD, formerly known as Asperger’s) seems to have “matured” out of meltdowns and has become more ...
Bagaimana cara mengelola Impostor Syndrome? Menyalurkan Imposter Syndrome dengan Bijak Mendekati pekerjaan dengan rasa ingin tahu dan kesadaran akan batas kemampuan diri adalah kunci untuk menghindari ...