This useful study integrates experimental methods from materials science with psychophysical methods to investigate how frictional stabilities influence tactile surface discrimination. The authors ...
A recent Nationwide survey found that residents of two regions in particular worry that where they live isn't a smart place to retire financially. The Nationwide survey analyzed the country by ...
Space-fed array comprising of E-shape or U-slot cut rectangular microstrip antennas using the modified ... With the multi-resonator feed, feeding area exciting the space-fed elements increases. This ...
The ongoing challenges with response rates, response levels and weighting approach mean that labour market statistics based on both the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Annual Population Survey (APS) ...
A new survey has found the regions in the United States where people ... because of the strong tech cluster in the Raleigh-Durham area and finance cluster in Charlotte, compared to the ...
Each of the biphilic surfaces has three different sections, namely inlet, middle and outlet regions. The first region is mainly ... The test samples were placed in the designed area with dimensions of ...
The MCC chip size is 6 × 6 mm 2 and includes λ/2 coplanar waveguides resonators, superconducting quantum interference device arrays, capacitors, low pass filters, baluns and bias lines. Adopting ...
This strategic expansion supports the explosive growth of MLA manufacturing that the company is witnessing. Microlens arrays are at the heart of many advanced optical systems, and their increasing ...
DMA® (Designated Market Area) regions are the geographic areas in the U.S. in which local television viewing is measured by Nielsen. A DMA® region is a group of counties and zip codes that form an ...