An analysis of data from the Twins Early Development Study revealed that the association between ADHD symptoms and emotional ...
ADHD can shorten life expectancy by nearly a decade. Yet, many adults go undiagnosed. Here’s what women need to know.
FOR many of us, remembering to pay bills and keeping up with financial admin is tricky. But have you ever stopped to think ...
Too often, ADHD and autism coincide in children. New research finds that for many of those kids, this dual diagnosis ...
Many adults with ADHD lead successful careers, but the condition can create job challenges. Impulsivity, hyperactivity, and ...
Attention isn't only an issue for people with ADD/ADHD. Stress, depression, and anxiety can worsen attention, but training ...
Whether you have ADHD or your partner does, learn four techniques for forgetting about fairness, improving collaboration, and ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms are associated with onset of nicotine and tobacco use in U.S. youths ...
In the startup environment where the odds are stacked against you, ADHD compounds the challenges founders face. Bogdan Nesvit ...
Bill Gates reveals his childhood hyperactivity would likely have been labelled ADHD and explains how these traits, coupled ...
There has been a lot of recent interest in the rising demand for NHS autism and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity ...