Just when you thought the internet had exhausted every possible way to willingly suffer for clout, along comes the latest ...
"Someone could almost totally be the opposite of me in almost every belief they have, but if they are 100% this, I can still ...
Love really is all around us. From the love of romantic partners and family to small acts of kindness borne of love for ...
On her podcast, “Normal Gossip,” the writer Kelsey McKinney relishes everyday drama. In a new book, she explores our cultural ...
On a rainy day in Chanthaburi, Thailand, one random act of kindness made all the difference. At a street crossing, a man in a wheelchair was getting drenched while waiting for the light to turn green.
One of the odd habits of truly gifted people that normal thinkers don't do is taking cold showers, no matter the occasion.
We will see a few random rain showers overnight, but rain chances look lower Saturday as temperatures climb higher.