Just when you thought the internet had exhausted every possible way to willingly suffer for clout, along comes the latest ...
Most folks would argue that flirting can, in fact, be hard. You have to balance so many spinning plates, to be funny, interesting and not drive the other person away. However, there are always a few ...
One of the odd habits of truly gifted people that normal thinkers don't do is taking cold showers, no matter the occasion.
Love falls into one of two dimensions: feeling or experiencing love from someone else and extending or expressing love towards another person. Now, researchers are beginning to understand the nature ...
Speaking of snow days, many Valentine's Days are freezing cold. If you're lucky enough to get snow, wake up early and do it ...
Shipowners are growing uneasy, fearing that Trump’s suggestion of taking over Gaza could trigger a resurgence in Houthi ...
An experiment in which people were asked to choose random numbers or boxes on a grid, then do the same a year later, has ...
During Random Acts of Kindness Week, starting on February 14, we celebrate the many good deeds that help make the world a better place. The phrase 'practice random kindness and senseless acts of ...
"Someone could almost totally be the opposite of me in almost every belief they have, but if they are 100% this, I can still ...
Many personal finance questions follow a pattern: should I do this, or that? But this is the wrong question to be asking.
And with AI driving ever greater income inequality while it eats through American jobs—blue-collar, white-collar, and the ...
Paris-based sales company Alpha Violet has taken international sales on teen mental health drama “How to Be Normal and the Oddness ... for the struggles of young people driven by constant ...