Some World War II veterans took a step back in time earlier this week. It’s been decades since they deployed, and they’re ...
Berlin, Paris, London, and the other European governments intend to reduce their military dependence on the US by ...
Donald Trump on Friday issued what some might call a cryptic warning about a purportedly impending "massacre." Trump has been ...
The 33-foot Corsair, on loan from Florida, had to be “rigged up on skates” to get to the Intrepid’s hangar deck.
Santa Monica Studio has shared a new set of classic skins, weapons, and items will be added to God of War Ragnarok next week ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WOLO)– The remains of a Columbia native World War II soldier will be buried at Fort Jackson on Friday, March 14. The funeral for U.S. Army Private First Class Arthur W. Crossland Jr., ...
Next week, the beloved PlayStation franchise God of War celebrates its 20th anniversary. Beyond the event happening at the ...
The police successfully defused the explosive device, which weighs more than 1,000 pounds and was found near tracks north of ...
Vicente Jimenez joined the Navy at age 17 in 1943. All told, his military service in three wars spanned more than 20 years.
Athens resident Rodney Davis will speak on a WWII battle this Saturday as he shares his knowledge of the famous conflict.
As a volunteer cave digger, Takamatsu Gushiken has unearthed the remains of several hundred people. Excavation is not his ...