Tokyo Tech has made many discoveries during its 130 years of rich history. As international partnerships grows not only in science and technology, but across all fields, friendly competition and ...
Tokyo Tech Alumni Ambassador network around the world. We have implemented the alumni project ("Tokyo Tech Alumni Ambassador") from 2022. The objectives are to build a strong network of alumni of ...
Tokyo Tech has established academic cooperation agreements with universities and research institutions around the globe. As of May 1, 2022, the Institute has 109 institutional-level agreements with ...
As economic society continues to globalize and interdependence increases, issues are arising that must be dealt with on a global scale, such as those of the environment, energy, food and water, an ...
The contents are subject to change. It will not be distributed as a booklet. The content within the parentheses represents the old room number prior to the 2022 academic year.
Imagine yourself traveling overseas, experiencing different cultures and aspects of humanity, and playing an active role in global society. Do you think your understanding of and approach to research ...
掲載内容は変更の可能性があります。 冊子での配布は行いません。 講義室名の()内は、原則2022年度以前の旧講義室名です。 時間割表内の科目名をクリックすると,シラバス(OCW)に ...
本サイトの情報は、順次、Science Tokyoのサイトに移行していきます。公開されているページは東京科学大学の情報として有効なものです。
掲載内容は変更の可能性がありますが、最新情報をこちらに掲載します。 冊子での配布は行いません。 講義室名の()内は、原則2022年度以前の旧講義室名です。 掲載内容は変更の可能性が ...