Although a ban on alcoholic beverages is in place in the Indian state, government officials and police turn a blind eye on ...
The court found the real estate tycoon guilty of embezzlement. In the first trial concluded in April, the judges had imposed ...
In the headquarters of the Maronite Patriarchate, the main leaders of the 18 recognised religious communities in the country ...
According to ex-President of Dagestan Abdulatipov, today's nationalisms in the former Soviet Caucasus seem to nullify ...
Chief executive John Lee made the announcement today in a keynote speech. According to publicly available data, more than 100 ...
A Taliban minister and the Iranian ambassador met in Kabul to discuss the return of Afghans to their country of origin, with ...
Pope Francis issued an appeal to FAO on World Food Day. In it he stresses that the Church will contribute to the defeat of ...
North Korea has amended its constitution to call South Korea a ‘hostile state’; Freedom of Internet access in Myanmar is hindered as much as in China; Indian Sa ...
North Korea has amended its constitution to call South Korea a ‘hostile state’; Freedom of Internet access in Myanmar is hindered as much as in China; Indian Sa ...
La corte ha riconosciuto colpevole la magnate immobiliare di appropriazione indebita. Nel primo procedimento concluso ad ...
Nella sede del patriarcato maronita riuniti i principali leader delle 18 comunità religiose riconosciute nel Paese. Per il ...
Le notizie del giorno: la Corea del Nord ha modificato la Costituzione per definire la Corea del Sud uno "Stato ostile". La ...