Exiting a tunnel under the Kitayamazaki Cliffs reveals a hidden cove that seems like something out of a fantasy tale. As we emerged from the coastal forest onto a large chunk of granite known as ...
Mt. Fuji is a frequent sight from many locations in Hayama, including across the Sagami Bay from Isshiki Beach. Hayama is described in the town's official guidebook as a place where "where the sea and ...
Are you a cat or a dog? Japan has several ways to describe a person's personalities based on animalistic behaviors. You might even be a penguin!
As the heat and humidity drop and the leaves start to change color in Japan, there’s almost poetry in the air. Autumn is the season of the arts! Come with us on a journey to Akita Prefecture to see an ...
Compared to other major cities around the world, it's not easy to find quality cafés with good food, drinks, atmosphere and free Wi-Fi in Tokyo. For the discerning customer with internet needs, these ...
To mark the 50th anniversary of its presence in Japan, Fendi opened a pop-up shop in Ginza—its first and only boutique in Japan to showcase both men's and women's collections.
從歷史脈絡來看,布施曾是交通規劃中的重要據點,其便利性至今仍無可取代——近鐵與大阪地鐵的交會,使得旅人無論前往京都或奈良都十分便捷。如此優越的地理條件,加上商店街獨有的人情味與懷舊感,正是讓「SEKAI HOTEL」決定在此扎根的關鍵理由!
新年来临,走亲访友时,常常会看到《八仙过海图》。铁拐李、汉钟离、吕洞宾、张果老、韩湘子、何仙姑、曹国舅以及蓝采和这八位仙人,早已成为中华文化中家喻户晓的人物。而在日本,若 ...
日本酒是日本的国酒,亦是其民族众多璀璨文化中的一支,正如中国的酒文化,日本的酒文化一直在各自民族的历史长河里,融入各自的文化底蕴中。日本学者坂口谨一郎在其著作《日本的酒 ...
位于东京八王子市的高尾山乃一处从东京都心出发交通无比便利的郊游好去处。是一处荣获(米其林指南-东京)最高等级三星的知名景点。高尾山山峰的标高为599米。小朋友和毫无登山经验的 ...