Glen Powell stars in Hulu's "Chad Powers," a new comedy series based on the viral Eli Manning character. Premiering Fall 2025, this hilarious show follows a disgraced QB who assumes a new identity on ...
The first super quick teaser has been released for Hulu’s football comedy series Chad Powers , starring Glen Powell with an interesting addition. Powell stars in the series that he co-created, ...
Much like the wildly popular Apple TV+ series Ted Lasso, which stemmed from a Jason Sudeikis commercial, Chad Powers will now ...
The upcoming Chad Powers series was created by Powell and Michael Waldron. It is based on a sketch done by Eli Manning where he went undercover at Penn State's walk-on tryouts as Chad Powers.
"Twisters" director Lee Thomas Chung, music executives, and songwriters discuss the development of the movie's acclaimed country-driven soundtrack.
In the teaser trailer for Chad Powers, Glen Powell plays a disgraced college quarterback based on Eli Manning's character.
Glen Powell is nearly unrecognizable in Hulu's football comedy Chad Powers, which marks his return to the small screen. The ...