City of Erie landlords are required to give renters a copy of the city's new tenants bill of rights, approved by Erie City Council in January.
Bill of Rights Institute President and CEO David Bobb thanked Konica Minolta for its leadership in supporting America's civics and history classrooms.
OLYMPIA — House Democrats advanced a bill in the early hours of Thursday that will undo several provisions of a popular Republican-backed parents’ rights initiative passed by the Legislature ...
According to two initiatives filed with the city of Tacoma last month, activists want to establish a Worker’s Bill of Rights, which would raise the minimum wage in Tacoma, give workers more ...
We’ve heard some pretty upsetting comments from Democrats with their lack of concern for parental access,” said Rep. Chris ...
A controversial bill that describes itself as “promoting a safe and supportive public education system” was the subject of more than six hours of debate by ...
Senate Bill 11 is designed to uphold religious freedom in Texas public schools by allowing designated time for voluntary ...
Last week, Anchorage Democratic Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson introduced legislation that seeks to codify the rights of homeless ...