The room is dark except for a spotlighted podium. I can’t stop staring at it. The packed audience was waiting with bated ...
A  book by UB scholar Collie Fulford on the writing lives of adult learners offers a look into the value they bring to an age ...
Jencks, who moved from Northwestern University to Harvard Kennedy School in 1996, passed away at his home on Saturday, Feb. 8 ...
I have been writing stories for a while now. I cannot remember for how long. Some time in elementary school I decided I ...
Myles Smith went from an office job to the big-leagues in the blink of an eye. As he tells Laura David, he’s just sticking to working hard and enjoying the ride.
In my sophomore year at Brown, I wrote a 20-page proposal for an independent concentration that I never submitted. It was ...
UVa professor A.D. Carson's doctoral dissertation rap album "Owning My Masters" promises "the poems that people are scared to say out loud." ...
Ever fancied having a bash at a movie or TV script? Acclaimed filmmaker Paul Duane tells you everything you need to know ...
In many ways, 'Theory & Practice' is like a coming-of-age novel or perhaps a coming-to-writing novel. Author Michelle de ...
Michelle Cuellar Everidge began her new job on Feb. 1. She explained that the new role comes with some old memories.
Jamin tackles “writing what you know” through seventeen personal essays spanning childhood, college and career with gripping ...