A Te Ngāherehere o Kohukohunui / Hūnua Ranges Kauri Population Health Monitoring Survey just published, has revealed no detectable signs of kauri dieback (P. agathidicida) in the Hūnua Ranges.
Thimmamma Marrimanu is a banyan tree that has survived multiple cyclones and persevered to witness half a millennium of human ...
including whether the pathogen might be present in the ranges and collected comprehensive data on 561 kauri trees. The survey was a collaborative effort between Auckland Council, the Department of ...
Geneticist Zhang Huarong walks through the forest near his Hong Kong research lab, gesturing towards a rotting incense tree ...
The names given to these homes—such as "House Among Trees" and "Tree House"—reinforce the central concept of the projects, highlighting the prominence of the trees concerning the building.
The project, funded through the National Science Challenges programme administered by MBIE, aimed to heal Kauri trees affected by the devastating disease. The Taxpayer’s Union revealed details of the ...
Nestled between the small rural communities of Eyebrow and Elbow, you’ll find the heart of guitar making in Saskatchewan. The village of Tugaske has become a world-renowned artistic hub, attracting ...
“Building community helps young people to feel a sense of belonging. A belonging to the whenua, to their peers and wider whānau, and the wairua of place. A place they can stand strong, tall and grow ...
After a 2007 wildfire, the fire department in Escondido, Calif., recommended restrictions for planting palm trees specifically after determining that certain species, due to their form or lack of ...
He had been a chief executive at one of the country’s top 30 companies but abandoned his career after visiting Tane Mahuta, New Zealand’s largest known living kauri tree, in the Waipoua Forest.