One of the sharpest pleasures of encountering new fiction can come from knowing almost nothing about it, or its author, in advance. In fact it’s often best that way.
Black Box Diaries' director Shiori Itō talks finding a visual language for her own reporting, which often demanded naps on the edit couch.
Live” turns 50 this year, and a monumental biography of the man who created it attests to his enduring role as America’s ...
Arielle Zibrak, a professor of English at the University of Wyoming, edited a volume of short stories by American women writers that is forthcoming from Penguin Classics in March.
Accessing primary literature, a format wherein the information comes straight from the researchers, can be daunting.
Ex Libris, or bookplates, were the equivalent of a tag saying "this books belongs to x." Of course, these were much more ...
Liam Gallagher responds to Oasis fans seeing their tickets cancelled, phone users have been warned to check half-term roaming charges - and we're relaunching our Women in Business series, where we ...