IT'S NO FLUKE... that whale mavens like to know which giants are passing along the coast on their ancient migratory journey.
Mino was rescued in June from the Caloosahatchee River in Lee County at just 55 pounds. Mino came from SeaWorld Florida and ...
SEWE 2025 is back in Charleston and all sorts of mammals will be featured with the help from organizations like NMMF, the ...
Controversial Ontario theme park Marineland will soon get rid of all marine mammals housed on the property, a bittersweet ...
Controversial Ontario theme park Marineland will soon get rid of all marine mammals housed on the property, a bittersweet ...
FAU, SeaWorld San Diego, and the San Diego Natural History Museum have joined forces to scan the rare skeleton of the vaquita ...
Scientists confirm that orcas and dolphins have lost the ability to return to dry land due to irreversible evolutionary ...
Indian research on marine mammal conservation for US compliance with MMPA, focusing on stock assessments and by-catch reduction strategies.
The center relies on funding from the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistant Grant Program, she said.
Come January 1, 2026, in order to receive authorization to export their products to the US, foreign fisheries and nations ...
If recent reports of a North Atlantic right whale calf and its mother spotted in a busy shipping lane between New Jersey and New York are any indication that more are to come, an artificial ...