Most organic drugs contain one acid group, usually a carboxylic acid, -COOH, or one basic primary, secondary, or tertiary amino group, NC 1-3, [3,22,27,28,29] that determines the acid-base ...
and ranges of pH and ingredient strength from United States Pharmacopeia monographs and product labeling is the foundation of expertise in drug incompatibility. Precipitation in injectable drug ...
Supported by CEPID-Redoxoma (FAPESP process No. 2013/07937-8), NAP-Redoxoma (Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa-USP process No. 2011.1.9352.1.8), CNPq (process No. 301404/2016-0) and Universidade de São Paulo.
With some simplification, combinatorics can be said to be the mathematics of the finite. This monograph describes a few selected problems and results in some detail: some examples of problems from ...
The reference chemical substance was purchased from the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP reference standard), lot R05700 ... of ETV by thermal degradation during the experiment was 42.13%.
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