care marchează încercarea regizorului român de a obţine un al doilea Urs de Aur după ce a câştigat premiul cel mare în urmă cu patru ani, scrie Reuters. „Kontinental ’25” se bazează pe un articol din ...
The annual Urs Mubarak of late Baul singer Abdur Rashid Sarker Boyati was halted in Manikganj's Singair upazila yesterday following an attack by a group of locals and a counter-attack by Rashid's ...
The three-day celebrations of 773rd urs of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar ended on Wednesday with more than 2.5 million devotees visiting Sehwan in Jamshoro district, according to the official estimates.
Dave Grohl’s baby mama may have upended the Foo Fighters frontman’s longstanding marriage — but she’s more than just a rock and roll groupie. Jennifer Young — who confirmed to The Post ...
Elon Musk has hit back at his latest baby mama after new text messages claim to expose a 'pregnancy plot' against the billionaire 'First Buddy.' Ashley St. Clair, 26, has been accused of plotting ...
LiAngelo Ball has been accused of walking out on his family by the mother of his children, Nikki Mudarris, who has also claimed the latest hip-hop sensation got another woman pregnant. The Ball ...
We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help ...
The inflation rate in Germany is expected to be +2.3% in February 2025. It is measured as the change in the consumer price index (CPI) compared with the same month a year earlier. Based on the results ...
Trei seminarii care au avut ca temă monitorizarea genetică a populației de urs brun din Carpați („Brown bear Genetic Monitoring in the Romanian Carpathians”) s-au desfășurat la Brașov, în perioada 9 – ...
Un pui de urs de două luni, care s-a rătăcit de mama lui lângă localitatea braşoveană Şinca Nouă, a fost găsit de pădurari, animalul fiind predat "Centrului de reabilitare a puilor de urs" din ...
Producția ‘Dreams (Sex Love)’/'(Drommer’, în regia norvegianului Dag Johan Haugerud, a fost recompensată sâmbătă seară cu Ursul de Aur pentru cel mai bun film la cea de-a 75-a ediție a Festivalului ...