The English word love covers many meanings, but in Greek we find concepts often known as 'the Four Loves'. This is the story ...
Unity Trust Bank has appointed leading British economist Lord John Eatwell to its board as an independent non-executive director. Lord Eatwell has had a distinguished career as a professor, political ...
The Bible tells us Joseph had two dreams ... God promised and you must trust Him. Galatians 6:9 “May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in His season we shall bring ...
Do you like mysteries? I have always enjoyed them. When I was a kid, I collected and read many of the Hardy Boys books. I still like a good mystery, although I rarely sit and read such books today.
Leonard had a bible verse on his wristband ... “Shoot, I just started trusting in the Lord. I looked up an said, ‘Jesus, whatever your will is for my life, I trust it 100%,’" Leonard ...
It is trust, assurance, and belief in God, knowing all things come from Him. Living faith is demonstrated by service and obedience to God. Here's how Apostle Paul defined faith in the Bible ... “Yes, ...