Where To Take Water Tower Memoir Footage? The water tower is the most iconic landmark in Velvet Cove, specifically because of ...
Imagine a retro-style GTA game set in the 1950s with fully destructible environments and you'll get pretty close to Deliver At All Costs.
Review - DON’T NOD continues to surprise with Lost Records and Tape 1 - Bloom, pushing the narrative adventure genre in new directions.
Don't Nod's newest venture into the choice game genre is a fantastic return to form, held back by only being half a game.
There’s a reason that ideas from the progressive ivory tower need to be tested. Often, the grandest theories fall apart when ...
Bloom & Rage, a narrative adventure game developed by Don't Nod. Players will follow the tale of four high school girls who ...
New Simulacrum Trailer for Tower of Fantasy, an open-world RPG developed by Hotta Studio. Players will be introduced to a new character coming to the game with Antoria, a Perfect Authorizer of Gesthos ...
Swann and her camcorder capture many beautiful and strange collectibles as you play, but can you find them all?
Bloom & Rage, the main character, Swann, takes an interest in the beauty of wildlife. She finds a bunch of critters to ...
There are moments when certain themes and messages from games hit you at just the right time, and Lost Records: Bloom & Rage ...
A standalone special on The Wind Through the Keyhole would enhance emotional and thematic elements.