Lantas, apa kelebihan dan kekurangan Teori Waisya? Dan, siapa tokoh pencetus Teori Waisya atau pendukungnya? Berikut ini ulasan lengkapnya. Teori-teori masuknya Hindu-Buddha ke Nusantara dibagi ...
Setelah menyelesaikan masa jabatannya, Djan kembali ke pangkuan Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) dan pada tahun 2020, ia diangkat sebagai anggota Majelis Kehormatan PPP untuk periode 2020-2025, ...
At a late-night inaugural ball on Monday, President Trump, flush with his restoration to power, began waving a ceremonial sword he had been given almost as if it were a scepter and he were a king.
Restorasi Meiji tidak lepas dari peran sejumlah tokoh yang menginginkan perubahan di Jepang. Siapa saja tokoh Restorasi Meiji? Berikut ini empat tokoh Restorasi Meiji dan perannya. Kaisar Meiji lahir ...
Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service, a day dedicated to honoring the life and legacy of Dr. King, a key figure in the American Civil Rights Movement.
More than the king of lions, Mufasa: The Lion King also managed to pull out a last-minute win at the box office over the 4-day Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend.
The name we recognize today as one of the most powerful voices during the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr., was originally not named “Martin Luther.” His father decided to change ...
Jonathan Eig, author of the biography ‘King: A Life,’ spoke about the late civil rights leader on a Jan. 3 episode of NPR’s ‘Book of the Day’ podcast Carly Tagen-Dye is the Books ...
Today, the country pauses to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with parades, speeches and acts of service. At 8 a.m., the MLK Breakfast will take place at the Julia T. & Charles W. Cherry Sr.
On April 14, 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. visited Stanford to deliver a speech entitled “The Other America.” The address focused on the injustice present in an America marked by racial ...
Dengan para pemimpin dunia, tokoh publik, dan keluarga mereka tampil di atas panggung, pilihan busana yang dikenakan dipilih dengan hati-hati untuk menyampaikan kekuatan, warisan, dan kepribadian.
TRIBUNSOLO.COM, SOLO - Mudrick Sangidu, salah satu tokoh politik dan aktivis senior yang cukup ternama di Kota Solo, Jawa Tengah, meninggal dunia. Mudrick Sangidu merupakan pendiri organisasi ...