Das Hormon Testosteron wird im weiblichen Körper in weit geringeren Mengen produziert als bei Männern, ist aber essenziell für Frauen. Es wird hauptsächlich in den Eierstöcken und der ...
Medical experts are seeing more men experiencing testosterone deficiency, often without realizing what’s really going on. While this crucial hormone naturally decreases with age, certain signs ...
Testosterone boosters are over-the-counter supplements that claim to raise levels of the hormone in the body and reduce symptoms of low testosterone. However, there is not enough evidence to ...
Testosterone (T) is a sex hormone that all people produce*. It influences appearance, sexual development, libido, and sperm production. T ramps up in puberty and begins to slowly decline in adulthood.
At-home testosterone tests can help people monitor their testosterone levels if they experience symptoms of high or low testosterone. Individuals can use their test results to seek advice and ...
Although it’s natural for older men to lose testosterone as they age, it is by no means impossible to slow down the inevitable decline. This is why we’ve explored natural solutions that may ...
Dabei handelt es sich um sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe aus der Gruppe der Triterpene. Auch die Steroidhormone Testosteron und die Östrogene gehören zu den Triterpenen – eine Gemeinsamkeit, die bereits auf ...
Bei der Fermentation entstehen u. a. kurzkettige Fettsäuren (Butyrat, Propionat, Acetat), die sich sehr vorteilhaft auf das Darmmilieu auswirken. Sie dienen den Zellen der Darmschleimhaut als ...
High testosterone in women can cause symptoms such as unwanted facial hair, acne, irregular menstrual cycles, and hair loss. If you notice one or more of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with a ...