And I have heard a former leader of Labour in Scotland – Henry McLeish – repeating a colleague’s words about it being ... workers’ morale instead of talking them down?
Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name, address and daytime phone number.
Change is happening. Votes are changing. If we want change re AUKUS, we have to be prepared to put in a similarly long, slow, hard slog. We need to stop talking and “act” – now.
PHILADELPHIA -- Jared Verse doubled down on his comments from earlier this week in regards to Philadelphia Eagles fans, exchanging some words prior to Sunday's game with one of the key players on ...
“We were deliberately not talking about the territorial parameters ... The U.S., in other words, made no promise to help Ukraine recover all of the land Russia had occupied, and certainly ...