“One of Them Days” is a refreshing comedy from producer Issa Rae that follows best friends Dreux (Keke Palmer), a waitress at a Norms Restaurant, and Alyssa (SZA), a struggling painter.
One of Them Days” and “Mufasa” managed to come out on top during one of the worst holiday box office weekends on record.
With Keke Palmer and SZA at the helm, the typically dry January release slate is lively when we need it the most ...
Bob's Discount Furniture Outlet is moving into the former Bed Bath and Beyond location along East 53rd Street in Davenport.
TikTok considering total shutdown in U.S. Sunday if ban moves forward Unprecedented video shows falling meteorite, records ...
Our Take: Casual Netflix viewers may tune out Shaffir and click away within the first 10 minutes of trolling. Which would be ...
The movies we’re most anticipating in 2025 are fascinating on two fronts. The first: Great auteurs tackling passion projects, ...
One of Them Days hinges so much on the chemistry and comedic back and forth of its leads, and Keke Palmer and SZA deliver.
Robert Machray, a veteran actor known for roles in Cheers as well as numerous other sitcoms and Broadway shows, died at his ...
Philly’s music scene kicks off the new year with Philly Loves Bowie Week, celebrating the connection between the City of Brotherly Love and the iconic British rock star who died nine years ago this ...
R&B singer SZA’s future goals include releasing two children’s albums and becoming a farmer for underserved communities. SZA’s passion extends far beyond neo-soulful R&B music. Recently ...
SZA’s hit album “SOS” has returned to the top of the Billboard 200 chart two years after its initial release. The 22-month gap between weeks at No. 1 is the longest for any album since the ...