In a new announcement, Apple said it will add support for encrypted RCS messages in future updates to iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, and ...
This means that we'll definitely see it released on iOS and Android smartphones, and an eventual Switch launch is also highly likely. The upcoming Switch game will bring PvP trainer battles to the ...
You ever want to get excited for something but then get put off by how the people making it talk about it? That’s what I experienced when looking at the newly announced mobile version of Disco Elysium ...
Spyware is a slim threat for most people, but there are exceptions, such as journalists and activists in authoritarian regimes. You can usually avoid infection by following standard cybersecurity ...
In Steven Soderbergh’s latest caper, Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender prove that monogamy is no mission impossible.
Steven Soderbergh’s latest—a sexy espionage thriller that forsakes explosions in favor of mind games—is 90 minutes of pure ...
Outside of iOS, GameStop's now-defunct NFT Marketplace hosted a series of unlicensed HTML5 games that had been copied ...
Skich is ‘specifically for mobile gamers’ — but has no games available at launch.
Skich Store is now available to download on iOS from the platform’s official website. Of course, since it requires sideloading, only iPhone and iPad users in the EU can install the new App Marketplace ...
There’s one indulgent explosion. Other than that, the actual spy games are merely a bit of lingerie tarting up a story about trust. Call it “sex, lies & videotape & guns” — and a sign that ...