Photons, the tiniest packets of electromagnetic energy, can carry information across quantum networks. Each photon has various properties, like path, polarization, and frequency, which can hold ...
Quantum computers can be built in many ways, writes Dr Tess Skyrme, principal technology analyst at IDTechEx. You may be familiar with the competing modalities claiming to offer various advantages ...
Quantum dots are widely used for their ability to emit single photons at specific wavelengths. These photons are created by ...
Qian is one of several U of T researchers who recently received new funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering ...
An expert in creating sources of entangled and hyper-entangled photons, the University of Toronto's Li Qian is working to make ultra-secure quantum ...
Scientists have harnessed many-body physics to transform quantum dots into scalable, stable quantum nodes. By entangling ...
Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d’Orsay, CNRS, Université Paris Saclay, 91400 Orsay, France ...
Scientists at the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory have used the atoms inside a semiconductor quantum dot to create a functional quantum register in a revolutionary development for ...
In an advance for quantum technologies, researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, have created a functional quantum register using the atoms inside a semiconductor quantum dot.
Molecular spin qubits are considered promising qubit candidates for molecular spintronics, in particular for quantum sensing. The materials studied here can be stimulated by light; this creates a ...
Molecular spin qubits are considered promising qubit candidates for molecular spintronics, in particular for quantum sensing. The materials studied here can be stimulated by light; this creates a ...